Are There Any Side Effects of E-waste?

 In this digitized era, we surround ourselves with various electronic gadgets like phones, computers and other things. We cannot think about our daily life without this device. Every day numerous electronic devices are made. As a result, we buy various gadgets after a few days. When the devices are totally useless, then it is called e-waste. We throw out the old gadgets without thinking a little bit. This practice impacts our nature heavily in a negative way. To prevent that you should take the e-waste to the electronics recycling service as soon as possible. 

After we throw the e-waste into a landfill, it can be covered by soil after a few days. This condition is known as soil contamination. After that, the heavy metals including lead, mercury, and lithium leak through the soil and reach underground water. After that, the underground water ends up in streams, oceans, ponds and lakes. As a result, we drink polluted water. Not only that whenever the gadgets heat up, but they also release harmful chemicals and toxins into the air we breathe and cause air pollution. Keep in mind that it does not only pollute the air but also damage the human body part such as lungs, kidneys, and heart and overall the immune system.

According to the report, not more than 10% of cell phones are recycled every year in the United States. The rest of the phones are thrown into the landfill for polluting nature. If you want to buy new electronic gadgets, then take the old devices to the recycling centers. The experts can recycle the parts of the devices and use them in making new gadgets in an eco-friendly way. 

We do not consider the fact that when the heavy metals from the devices soak into the soil and leak through it, it causes soil damage. Consequently, the plants die and the soil becomes polluted. If you are aware of the fact how much we need trees in this era, then you can understand the importance of growing trees. You have to come forward as a responsible citizen and take a step to stop the practice. Remember to take your e-waste to the electronics recycling center instead of throwing it. It can contribute a little yet significant part to save you, save humankind and overall save our planet earth. 

Recycle Your E-waste

If you have stored a lot of e-waste or are about to throw them into the landfill, then don’t. You can contact Innovative IT solutions in OKC and the specialists can take your electronic devices and recycle them.


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